Anne Dickhardt has experienced a lot during her journey as an entrepreneur and was able to gain a lot of valuable experience during the founding of ANY DI. In the podcasts Sidepreneur and Tagebuch einer Unternehmerin (Diary of an Entrepreneur), Anne talks about her dreams, goals and experiences, which she would like to share with women who are also just starting out on their own. Below we give you an exclusive insight into the exciting interviews and would like to motivate aspiring female entrepreneurs to turn their passion into success.

When the idea won't let you go 

Anne has always been a bundle of energy, whether in sports, with friends or even in her studies. When she set her sights on a goal, it was followed through. After the dream of a professional tennis career fell through due to an injury, she always had this particular vision in mind: the perfect bag that would bring innovative functionalities and, above all, be visually appealing. Anne used her fashion studies in Munich as an opportunity to deal with her dream in a more concrete way and to get closer to her goal. Her previously gained experience as a brand & product manager was extremely useful in getting her own business off the ground: ANY DI Munich.

Started as a one-woman show and now more than 20 employees  

In 2015, Anne took off - all by herself. Her heart and soul was there 100 percent from the very beginning. In the first year or two, Anne learned everything she needed to know to establish a new brand herself. She traveled all over Germany with her car and made ANY DI known. Design, sales and marketing - tasks that she soon could no longer take on alone. The one-woman show quickly turned into a dynamic start-up with around 20 employees. In the meantime, ANY DI is represented in over 30 countries and by over 5000 dealers worldwide.

From woman to woman: Anne's tips. 

Do what you have in mind! You can't think about it so much, and you can't think about risks, because after all, you only live once. You just have to really put the thoughts you have into action and keep at it. Then things in life will also change.

Don't let it get you down!There will always be people who think you can't do it. But if you have a goal in mind, go for it.

Keep your eye on the ball! You definitely need a thick skin to make it. Only the one who pushes through and sticks with it - wins!

Keep a positive mindset!In addition to strategy and execution, you must always be positive about your venture and your business.

Click here to listen to the full podcast episode of "Sidepreneur"

Click here for the full podcast episode of "Diary of an Entrepreneur"