ice cream patches
ANY Divas take notes: Summer is just around the corner and if there is one place we want to visit in particular: our favorite gelateria. To make sure you're perfectly styled for your next visit, and because we love ANYDIvas Ice Cream, we've created the perfect #ICEccessory for all gelato lovers - true to the do-it-yourself motto!
Put together your personal Ice Cream accessory according to your mood - a SunCover that can be perfectly combined tone in tone or contrasting to your stylish summer outfit! The basis is the SunCover Waffle, which can be individually equipped with two patches. The patches made of high quality leather are available in 10 different flavors, from chocolate to stracciatella, there is something for every ANY DIva! Just choose two flavors, clip them to your SunCover Waffle, and your individually designed statement piece for the summer is ready, with which you are guaranteed to attract all eyes on you! Let's get the summer started!