Interview with Magdalena Rogl
An ANY DIva stands for openness and flexibility.
It pairs elegance with sportiness, timeless classics with trendy fashion statements. Magdalena Rogl, Head of Digital Channels at Microsoft Germany, unites all
these attributes and makes a statement with her person: "You can do anything in life, achieve anything if you dedicate yourself to the cause with passion and stay true to yourself".
She has had an unprecedented career - from a trained nanny to Germany
Corporate Brand Ambassador #1.
In this interview, she explains how she achieved this and what makes her an ANY DIva.

Your career is anything but ordinary. How did you come to Microsoft and what did you do before that?
I am originally a trained nanny. That was my absolute dream job for many years! But then came a personal life crisis and at the age of only 25 I became a single parent with two small children. With the low childcare salary, I knew right away that it would be difficult to maintain my standard of living in Munich. Then, with a heavy heart, I looked for a new professional opportunity and ended up in community management at Focus Online. A friend who was studying abroad in the US at the time told me about this Facebook and how the network could be used to communicate with people from all over the world. That was the starting signal for me towards social media. I later switched to corporate communications and got to know various people at Microsoft at events and congresses. A good friend is already working there and one day she said to me that I should apply, they are looking for someone like me. Said and done!
How important is passion for you in connection with your job and self-realization?
I am absolutely convinced that you can only do something really well with passion. In the past, I could never have imagined doing anything with tech and digital topics - today it's my daily business. It's just important that you let life happen and you don't constantly fight it when things turn out very differently. When you approach things with optimism, incredible things can happen. That's what my life has taught me so far.
They say: A woman's life is in a handbag. What should absolutely not be missing in your bag?
Of course – my smartphone! I also always have two smaller pouches in each bag: one for cosmetics and then another for tech. It contains my mouse, a multi-charger for all devices and my mobile battery. These two bags should never be missing. Oh yes – and sweets for the kids!
You are a mother and a business woman, constantly on the go to meetings, congresses and events: What requirements does a bag have to meet for you - professionally and privately?
The most important thing for me is the size. I'm the type of woman who throws everything in a bag until nothing works anymore. It also needs to be very flexible, both in terms of design and carrying options. My style varies a lot from sporty to ripped jeans and hoodie to a business look. The bag has to adapt to my style. I find it really exhausting when I have to change my bag all the time.

You are a mother and a business woman, constantly on the go to meetings, congresses and events: What requirements does a bag have to meet for you - professionally and privately?
The most important thing for me is the size. I'm the type of woman who throws everything in a bag until nothing works anymore. It also needs to be very flexible, both in terms of design and carrying options. My style varies a lot from sporty to ripped jeans and hoodie to a business look. The bag has to adapt to my style. I find it really exhausting when I have to change my bag all the time.

Which fashion type are you? Do you focus on timeless classics or do you follow the latest trends very closely?
Both. I love shopping and I like to set on trends. But I also think it is important to have a few timeless classics in my everyday business life with which I am always dressed immediately. Often I meet people in appointments that I don't know yet and there my glitter sneakers might not go down so well.
If you ever want to spend your money on something you like to spend it on privately?
I am a sneakers freak. I can't remember exactly how many I have. They are my most loyal companions and an absolute it-piece in my fashion collection.